Enjoy tons of special Bronco customizable accessories today!
Featured Products and Services

#1 in Wisconsin for Aftermarket Parts,
Accessories and Detailing

Our passion at Madison Auto Trim is to help our customers – and the customers of
auto dealerships throughout Wisconsin – maximize the performance
functionality and beauty of their cars and trucks.

Our mission is to ...

"Make you feel great about your vehicle!!"

Auto Services Which we offer

Z Tech RustProofing in Madison

Most manufacturer’s warranties do not cover rust. Only for defects in materials and workmanship. Protect your vehicle with warrantied protection.

auto parts Madison WI

Paint Sealant includes a warranty through ECP to provide added piece of mind to protect your investment.

Madison car accessories

We’re committed to innovating new products and offer competitive coverage to keep your new vehicle looking just like the day you purchase it.

Madison auto parts store

Upgrade your boat with Stereo upgrades from Boat Works Of Madison. We have a vast menu and options from as small as adding a USB to a complete new upgraded stereo system.

truck accessories store

SunTek empowers vehicle owners and professional installers by offering a broad selection of automotive tint products to improve the look and performance of window glass.

car accessories store

PPF Protection Films are an industry leader when it comes to vehicle protection. Choose from one of our many packages that suits your vehicle.

Madison auto parts & accessories

Incredibly tough and skid resistant and guaranteed to maintain texture with a lifetime warranty against peeling. Available for all standard truck beds.

car parts & accessories

M.A.T. Spray On Coatings from Madison Auto Trim.

Madison car accessories store
Trailer Hitch Packages

Whether it's a bike rack, a trailer, boat, or hauling something cross country we have the right package for your needs. (This service is no longer available)

Madison truck accessories store

Treat yourself and your vehicle with a detailing package. Protect your investment and keep that vehicle looking like new.

Madison WI car accessories

Blue tooth, Navigation, Apple Car Play, Android Auto, GPS and many more can all be added to your vehicles current system.

Madison truck accessories

Certain options may not be available in the Design Selector tool. Please select a preliminary design and discuss available options with us. Additional upgrade charges may apply.*

Our History since 1987

Since 1987 Madison Auto Trim has been a hidden gem that puts a feather in the cap of Wisconsin small family business success stories. Started by Ron Stevens in 1987 out of his Nissan cube van.  Ron would travel around to dealerships in Dane County and offer accessories with installation on the spot! He was known as an extremely dedicated hard worker, Joke Teller, And Always a Joy To be around.

Ron’s two son’s along with many dedicated staff members joined the business team to establish today’s version of Madison Auto Trim. With over 40 staff members and multiple location’s MAT accessorizes over 600 cars per week throughout Southern Wisconsin. Servicing the general public and car dealerships MAT has an extensive customer base of over 600,000 customers dating back to 1987!

Our Manufacturers
What our clients are saying
#1 in Wisconsin for Aftermarket Parts, Accessories and Detailing
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